Author Details

Nugroho, Andi, Mercu Buana University, Indonesia

  • Vol 7, No 12 (2019) - R&D of open information technologies and services to the global information infrastructure
    Using OwnCloud and LibreOffice in supporting the making of DAPODIC REPORT books
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 8, No 3 (2020) - Theoretical Informatics and Computer Science
    Effectiveness of the Application Clonezilla to Clone Image with Ubuntu Server 12.04 and Samba Server
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 8, No 10 (2020) - R&D of open information technologies and services to the global information infrastructure
    E-POSYANDU for POSYANDU cadres report
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 9, No 1 (2021) - R&D of open information technologies and services to the global information infrastructure
    Framework to sell item in online market plave in Indonesia
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 10, No 12 (2022) - Telecommunication technologies and computer networks
    Load Sharing Intervlan Networks Using Virtual Redundancy Protocol To Maintain Network Availability With EVE-NG
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 12, No 3 (2024) - Theoretical Informatics and Computer Science
    Comparison of K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) and Decision Tree with Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO) in Predicting Employee Performance
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 12, No 6 (2024) - Big data and their applications
    Prediction of Foreign Tourist Arrivals in Bali Using Support Vector Machine Algorithm and Linear Regression
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 12, No 7 (2024) - Big data and their applications
    Hybrid Naive Bayes TF-IDF Algorithm and Lexicon Approach for Sentiment Analysis of Reviews
    Abstract  PDF