Comparative analysis of data access technologies in Java applications

Vitaliya Dashuk, Dmitry Namiot


This article discusses modern approaches to working with databases in Java projects. The advantages and disadvantages of working with low-level JDBC technology are considered. This article provides an overview of the JPA specification, a standard for mapping POJO objects to relational databases. The paper gives an overview of the most popular JPA implementations: Hibernate, EclipseLink, and OpenJPA. The capabilities of the MyBatis ORM system, which does not implement JPA, but presents an alternative, are also noted. In the course of the work, a test suite has been proposed that compares the performance of JPA implementations. A comparison of MyBatis and one of the Hibernate-based JPA implementations are given. The results and conclusions of the tests are presented, giving an understanding of which solutions are best suited for different types of situations.

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