The concept of machine-readable and machine-executable law: relevance, purpose, place in RegTech, content, ontology and prospects

Igor Ponkin


The article is devoted to the research and explanation of the concept of machine-readable and machine-executable law. The author explains the place and significance of this concept as one of the directions of digital transformations in law and as one of the elements of LegalTech regulatory technologies. The article provides an overview of Russian and foreign legal acts and documents on machine-readable forms and formats. The article explains the general concept of "machine-readable format". The author provides an overview of explanations of the concept of machine-readable law presented in the scientific literature. The author substantiates that the creation of machine-readable and machine-executable law is due to quite reasonable-rational, relevant considerations (goals) of the applied order and a high degree of actualization. The authors sets out in detail the author's vision of the functional purpose of machine-readable and machine-executable law, the cases and methods of its application. The article states that despite the objectively existing limits of digital formalization and the limits of transformation of law into a machine-readable form, the translation of some parts of the law into machine-readable forms is quite possible. This is due to the law's high degree of formalization and algorithmization. The issue of real possibilities and examples of the creation of machine-readable and machine-executable law is reflected in this publication. The author's interpretation identifies the determinants of ensuring machine-readability of the law in a legal act intended for machine-readable and machine-executable operation. The article describes the author's concept of machine-readable and machine-executable law. In conclusion, the author concludes that solving the problem of achieving a full, working modality of machine readability and machine execution of law will significantly increase the effectiveness of law.

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