Full-scale and Simulation Modeling of a Centralized Control System for Transport Robots

Htun Htun Linn, Sergey Lupin, Kyaw Nay Zaw Linn, Aung Thu, Wai Yan Min


The article presents a simulation model of a centralized control system for transport robots. The model is implemented in the AnyLogic environment and uses a combination of agent and discrete-event approaches. The model allows for estimating the effectiveness of the centralized distribution of transport tasks between robots. As a criterion for the effectiveness of the transport system, the waiting time for the service is used. To conduct field tests and assess the feasibility of the control algorithm in practice, a model of a transport robot based on the Arduino microcontroller has been developed. Communication between the control center and the robots provides by using the NRF24L01 transceivers. Variants of test sequences of applications for the movement of goods are identical for modeling and field tests. The simulations and experiments with models of transport robots showed a reasonably close, but not absolute, coincidence of the simulation results with field tests. For robots that do not have sensors that determine the coordinates of their current position, ensuring high accuracy of coincidence with the simulation results is not possible. However, this does not prevent the use of the developed simulation model for assessing the effectiveness of decentralized management strategies before their implementation in the technical model

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