Detikcom Website Analysis with Webqual 4.0 and Importance-Performance Analysis Method

Kevin Christianto, Deny Deny, Charles Martino, Daniel Fischer


With the development of technology, internet usage is also increasing. Many companies are utilizing the internet in their business, especially news media companies. One of them is Detikcom, but unlike other news companies, Detikcom only has an online version so Detikcom must maintain the quality and satisfaction of its website readers to stay competitive with its competitors. Therefore, researchers conducted a study to measure the quality and satisfaction of Detikcom website readers using the method of Webqual 4.0 and Importance-Perfomance Analysis. The Webqual 4.0 method is used because it can measure website quality from usability, information quality, service interaction quality dimension, while IPA method is used to measure readers' satisfaction level based on average importance value and average performance value in existing dimension in Webqual 4.0. The instrument used to collect data is questionnaire. Questionnaires were made on the Google Form medium and distributed on online media. The result of the calculation of the gap between performance and importance shows that the performance of Detikcom has not met the expectations of its readers on all the research indicators. The results of the IPA diagram show there are three indicators that should be a top priority for improved performance and nine indicators that must be maintained its performance by Detikcom.

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