Information system for studying phrasal elements in academic English

Vladimir Tregubov


The article provides a description of an information system for studying expressions which using in academic publications. The application was developed by Angular framework of Google which is recommended for creation of universal client applications created on technology SPA (Single Page Application). During the development process, were used specialized libraries, which allowed to implement some useful functions: speech recognition, semantic analysis, automated translation, high quality speech generation and modern design. The application is suitable for use both on mobile devices and browsers.

The article describes the current state and prospects of using English as a universal world language for scientific publications. Existing approaches to the study of academic English were considered. We made a review of modern technology and resources that can be used for active learning of academic English. 

In the conclusion there is a description of “Academic Writing” application, which is aimed to expanding opportunities to improve of academic English skills. The application allows to learn some phrasal elements in academic English. It allows to remember some templates of scientific vocabulary. In active mode application can help to remember the correct pronunciation of phrases and improve a skill of fast reading.

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