Software for synthesis, analysis and optimization of RF circuits

Rustam Vishnyakov, Olga Tikhonova


The paper is devoted to considering the implementation of software for structural synthesis, analysis and parametric optimization of RF blocks of receiving and transmitting devices. The paper considers the main functionalities and disadvantages of modern CAD systems designed for modeling and designing RF blocks of receiving and transmitting devices. Unlike a number of existing modern CAD systems, the developed software package combines the capabilities of solving system level and circuit level problems. In particular, the program implements the synthesis of structural schemes of RF blocks. The basis for the synthesis is the adaptive base of functional units, which includes a set of elements and circuitry solutions. Automated synthesis allows finding the most optimal structural and element RF construction. Parametric optimization of the functional units of the designed RF blocks is also implemented. Parametric optimization related to the circuit design level in the described algorithm is performed according to the criteria of the system design level. This circumstance determines the interconnection of various levels of design. The correctness of the proposed algorithm is confirmed by the results of the program developed on its basis in the MATLAB language. An example of calculating the RF block is given.

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Programma strukturnogo sinteza, analiza i parametricheskoj optimizacii RF Systems Designer: [sajt]. URL:


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