A System Approach to Information Security in Distributed Ledgers on the Situational Centers Platform

Alexander Grusho, Alexander Zatsarinny, Elena Timonina


It is considered in the article the implementation issues of one of the digital economy basic directions related to information security concerning the protection of information in distributed ledgers. Any information system has to be constructed on the modern computer platform and uses modern network opportunities. The computer platform provides security of the information system, solves problems of information reservation, and supports the system recovery after failures. Exchange of information through network assumes special facilities for information protection. Cryptography algorithms for enciphering and message authentication codes for control of integrity are used for these purposes. It is shown that within the framework of the digital economy program the distributed ledger technologies have a system forming nature and must be created in conjunction with other technologies, taking into account the principles of a system approach for information networks creation.

   The authors proposed to use the platform and functional resources of the distributed situation centers system as the infrastructure base of the information security subsystem in distributed ledgers. At the same time, it is supposed that the consensus is based on the trust to the protected systems of the situational centers.


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