The Normalized Economic Mechanism in the Digital Environment

Alexander V. Ilyin, Vladimir D. Ilyin


The review describes the updated model of the Normalized Economic Mechanism (NEM). The complexes of NEM (resource support; production of real commodities; trade of real commodities; stockpiling of vital commodities; investment; the state budget, reserves, taxes, duties; regional budgets and taxes; education and population development; development of systems for life support and organization; social security funds; documenting the commodity-money circulation and the property statuses; management of economic activity) operate on the basis of electronic services in the digital twins environment. The updated structure and system of mandatory and orienting regulations of NEM functioning stimulate (by means of taxes, duties and other economic instruments) citizens to conduct economic activities aimed at protecting and enhancing the economic potential of their country. The updated technology of normalized commodity-money circulation includes the technology of e-trade with direct lending and the technology of designated payments. General characteristics of the updated methodology of the variational budgeting in a hierarchical system of expense items and the online service “Cost Planning”, which implements this methodology, are given.

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