Presentation of information to ensure the communication processes of a multi-component object
The article dealt with the information aspect for defining interaction architectural between agents in a multi-component object. It appropriate to note establish ways of presenting, receiving, processing and transferring information in considering the information interaction of agents. One of the issues addressed in developing the information component for defining interaction architectural of a multi-component object is the approach to the representation of the transmitted information. One of the approaches is the representation of information using symbolic systems. For this purpose a sign system, which is a set of similar signs with formalized rules of representation, perception and use of its elements need to be developed. The article considers the concepts of signs and symbols formalization. The "Frege Triangle" is used to study symbolic relations. In order to provide interaction agents need a clear interpretation of semiotic content, in particular, symbolic systems. Based on presented typology of signs proposals for using the corresponding types of signs in a multi-component object are provided. There are a number of determinable signs, symbols and concepts that can be foreseen in the knowledge base of a multi-component object. The approach of using the interaction matrix is described. It is necessary to foresee how new information not included into the system will be passed by agents. When a previously unfamiliar sign is discovered, it is suggested that the sign and the object be compared on the basis of the obtained properties and characteristics. To determine the similarity of objects in the article the algorithm of k-near neighbors is considered. For operative and rational use of the resources of a multi-component object it should to transfer only important information significant in the context of the solving problem.
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