To the issue of reverse-engineering - the way from paper to digital ontological rules for educational technology

Alexander Klimov, Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Oleg Grinko, Oleg Pokusaev


This article deals with the development of educational technologies (EdTech). One of the most difficult tasks in the IT-industry in the digital economy is to organize the interaction of information systems used in the creation and operation of large industrial facilities. In their life cycle, many organizations are occupied, each of which usually uses its own set of computer systems and data formats. Possibility of access and the analysis for the full data of the life cycle of the difficult engineering object became today an indispensable condition of effective management of its designing and operation. The solution to the problems of engineering data integration turned out to be much more convenient to organize within the framework of the semantic approach to data modeling. Within the framework of this approach, the information is provided in the form of a set of subjects and objects connected by relations (graph), rather than in the form of habitual tables. The ontological model of the data is an integral part of the data - concepts of the standard dictionary-thesaurus (so-called "reference data") are used for the description of sense and ways of use of the data at their processing both by computers, and people.

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Knowledge Extraction

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Educational Technology

Educational modeling language

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