Comparative analysis of climate change in the Antarctic and Arctic
In this paper, the data of observations of meteorological stations in the Antarctic near the Atlantic coast and the Arctic on the South Island for a period of 40 years based on the Facebook database of historical data on weather “The Global Climate Statistical Analysis Library (GCSAL)” is processed using the least squares method in the class of linear functions. A trend towards climate warming is revealed. Trend lines on average annual temperature, pressure and wind speed are constructed. A trend forecast of further climate change for five years is given. According to the linear trends plots at the height of 5 km, a gradual increase in temperature is visible in the Antarctic, approximately by 2-3 degrees in 40 years. At the height over 10 km, a decrease in average annual temperature, approximately by 3-4 degrees every 40 years, is observed. It indirectly demonstrates that in an interval between 5 and 10 km over the Antarctic, there is a shielding layer blocking further spread of heat from the Earth's surface. In the Arctic at the height up to 5 km the linear trend shows temperature increase by 3-4 degrees. At the height over 10 km, an increase in average annual temperature, approximately by 1-2 degrees, is also observed. Therefore, the shielding layer at the altitude of 5-10 km is either weak or completely absent. The linear trends of wind speed at different heights intersect, what can indirectly speak about serious changes in atmospheric dynamics. A large correlation was found between the values of average annual temperature, pressure, and wind speed at various altitudes.
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