Power Distance and Users Behavior Towards the Adoption of m-Government Services in Tanzania: A Web Analytics Study

Fredrick Romanus Ishengoma, Leonard Mselle, Hector Mongi


Citizens adoption of m-Government services can be achieved through voluntary or mandatory settings. In Tanzania, some government authorities have chosen mandatory adoption approach in order to increase adoption rate, efficiency, and reduce the costs of public administration. One of the crucial dimensions of mandatory adoption is power distance (PD).  Literature review, mostly from developed countries, have shown contradicting results on the role of PD towards the adoption of m-Government services. Meanwhile, there is a lack of research studies from African developing countries. This research seeks to fill this gap by examining if PD is a success factor towards the adoption of m-Government services and model users’ behaviors. The study analyzed the 1-year transactions logs that cover before and after the mandatory electronic payment system is adopted. Furthermore, the study analyzed the 1-year traffic of data from government recruitment agency by using web analytics to understand users’ pattern. Findings show that PD is a significant success factor in the adoption of m-Government services in Tanzania. The study also reveals the existence of flash effect (FE) pattern. Finally, the study proposes a Flash Event Mitigation Algorithm (FEMA) to mitigate the impact of the FEs on m-Government services.

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