Development of an information system to automate the activities of the village council administration
The work describes an information system (IS) for automating the activities of the village council administration, developed on the 1C: Enterprise platform. An information system is a combination of personal data contained in a database, as well as information technology and technical means, allowing the processing of such personal data using automation tools or without using such tools. The software product 1C: Enterprise allows you to significantly automate the activities of both a specific unit and the entire organization as a whole. The information system will allow to completely improve the process of serving the population, drawing up reports, certificates, etc. The effective use of modern information technologies and systems can significantly increase productivity, improve the quality of work by reducing the time it takes to process information. Document flow is an integral part of any enterprise, according to which you can find out about its activities. But many enterprises do not use electronic document management systems, and all information is stored in paper form, which makes it difficult to obtain the necessary information and spends most of the time processing operations at the enterprise. The information system “Village Council Administration” was developed and implemented for a specific rural settlement, namely, for the Administration of the Solovievsky Village Council.
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