Path Guidance System For Blind People
A smart device like raspberry Pi, which can be smartly programmed and provides the best guidance by providing necessary help to a blind person. This is a very safe and robust guidance system which helps many blind travelers with no worry about any obstacles on their moving path. So that it is easy for blind persons to travel and move independently to any unfamiliar environments. We have proposed one suitable device which warns the user regarding obstacles. Ultrasonic sensor plays an important role that it measures the distance from objects. This assistance device may help independent and more self-sufficient for impaired and blind people. It supports unfamiliar routes also for unknown destinations with the help of safe and effective navigation device, connection with GPS. The great potential with high reliability and its accuracy make a friendly environment to visually impaired people. Different types of navigations are there like acceleration based navigation and velocity based navigation as well as position based navigation. Here actually navigation refers one place to another for a purposeful process.
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