The Method of Identify the Russian-Language Fake News Using Artificial Intelligence
The article presents a method developed by the authors for identify fake news in social networks. A review of publications on the topic of fake news shows that although there is still no single definition of this concept, the interest in fakes is enormous. This is facilitated by the rapid growth of the popularity of social networks and the possibilities of artificial intelligence. In addition, information is distributed on social networks rather quickly, due to the fact that users regularly share information, including unverified. There is an urgent need to develop automated computing systems to identify fake news on social networks.
The article provides a brief overview of existing projects to identify fake news. It is argued that such projects have not yet been identified in the Russian segment of the Internet and in Russian language. The paper presents a study conducted by the authors, the purpose of which is to develop the concept of a method of automated determination of fake news for Russian-language texts using artificial intelligence and machine learning. The conclusion is made about the great potential that can be extracted from the application of artificial intelligence in conjunction with the tools for processing web data.
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