The current state and prospects for the development of aggregators in the digital economy of the Russian Federation

Aleksandr V. Klechikov


The article considers one of the newest business models of the digital economy - trade aggregators. Aggregation is presented in the article as an e-commerce marketing strategy that provides a single virtual platform that accumulates on its information resource both suppliers and consumers of goods and services to facilitate the process of their interaction.

The paper also discusses the practical application of large trade aggregators (Uber,, Yandex.Market, Airbnb), highlighting the advantages and disadvantages on the current period, including the existing problems with legislative regulation of this business area. Also presented the review of the available statistics on the e-commerce industry and pointed the need to create an appropriate digital analytical platform for solving the problems of collecting and processing data on the development of the
e-commerce in the country. The use of blockchain networks as a direction for the development of the e-commerce and trading aggregators is indicated. The article concludes by defining further ways of research and development aimed at evolution of the digital economy in the country.

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