Reliability evaluation of forwarder’s ACS based on various network standards

M. Vasenev


This paper considers the problems concerned with the subject as forwarder’s automated control system (ACS) reliability. There are formulated certain notions of the redundancy theory, described methods of its improving. There are given short descriptions of the various industrial network standards (Profibus, CANopen, EtherCAT), as well as their distinguishing features, advantages, and disadvantages. The typical ACS’ structure chart is considered, brief characteristic of each its components is defined. Particular attention is devoted to the analysis of computer modeling results for probability’s calculating failure/no-failure operation of forwarder’s ACS. There are justified conclusions of EtherCAT’s leadership in terms of (cost/reliability/ performance ratio), that also proves the suitability of its application in such systems.

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ISSN: 2307-8162