Team assembly in R&D: A review of imitating modeling approach for science and technology center in Oil&Gaz industry
This paperaimstoexploretheanalysisand prediction of the scientific research work. Authors examine the scientific research work as collective complex action. Authors investigated the methodological basis of the team formation for the scientific research. The scientific research was studied as a complex action which consisted of many components. Such approach resulted in the formal model of the scientific activity.
Authors of the paper modelled the agent-based environment of the scientific activity. The model was calibrated based on data from scientific collaborations of science and technology centerGazpromneft. Results of agent-based models proved the possibilities of the methodological approach. The obtained results go in line with the predictive abilities of the imitations models.
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Abava Кибербезопасность ИБП для ЦОД
ISSN: 2307-8162