Evaluation level of maturity for IT companies

I.K. Skokova, N.A. Romanenko, V.N. Makashova, L.Z. Davletkireeva


The article deals with the characteristic analysis of the level of maturity of the IT company. Disclosed the relevance of the application of the evaluation of the maturity level for effective management of the company. The paper analyzes the methods of formation of a corporate system of project management in terms of IT companies, the purpose of which is providing companies with stages for developing the corporate system of project management in the implementation of IT projects in accordance with company strategy. Evaluation of the implementation of the project management system is presented using the models of maturity, Organizational Project Management Maturity Model and the quantitative methods developed based on the model of Berkeley. The calculations will allow the company to determine the strategy of increasing the maturity level. The considered model can be used for rapid and effective assessment of the maturity level of companies in the field of project management and for forming strategic development plans.

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