Agents for polyergatic detection system of moving obstacles and control the movement of a mobile robot

P.V. Stepanov, I.A. Shcherbatov, O.M. Protalinskiy, P.P. Alekseev


Nowadays, there are many applications for autonomous mobile platforms. Some of them are useful as assistants to doctors in hospitals, airports, museums, as well as the detection and apprehension of criminals. There are several developments that involve the use of video surveillance to track people's robot. Typically, the camera is designed to detect persons of color or glare control object circuit. Other researchers suggest a laser range finder to get the data. At the same time, and is considered a hybrid approach in the works, which shows the visual information and data received from the laser.

The article presents a detailed specification methodology Prometheus, which is used to develop applications for mobile platforms, namely the detection and follow-up of a man on the basis of multi-agent approach principles.

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