Smart solutions for the digital economy fighting fires

В.П. Куприяновский, С.А. Синягов, С.И. Липатов, Д.Е. Намиот, А.О. Воробьев


This article is a continuation of the review of the practical applications of the elements of the digital economy. This paper discusses the issues of supporting such spheres of human activity as the fire cause. The work describes a roadmap for research working conditions of firefighters from the American Institute of Standards as well as other developments on the subject. The main aim set by the authors was to analyze the possibilities of application of information and telecommunication technologies in this domain.

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Smart Firefighting Workshop Summary Report March 24-25, 2014 Arlington, Virginia

Federal Register


V Velikobritanii razrabotan vysokotehnologichnyj boevoj zashhitnyj komplekt

ISO 9241

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