How to build a smart city. Part 1. The project "Smart Cities and Communities" in the EU Horizon 2020

М.А. Шнепс-Шнеппе


The purpose of this article is to analyze the work of the EU on smart cities and seek recommendations for Russia. At this moment, the world as a whole (including Russia) has already accumulated enormous experience in smart homes. But, unfortunately, it has not led to significant transformations of urban life, to the inter-municipal cooperation.  Although, no doubt, the transformation of socio-economic life is the highest reason behind smart cities projects.

In Russia, we should, first of all, learn to mutual learning, more precisely, to bring order to the project reporting smart homes and smart cities. For each of these projects, the organizers should start a website and publish the project objectives as well as the results of operations. The contests for smart cities should be conducted openly with the precise criteria for the selection of proposals. It would be reasonable to create the All-Russian Center for platforms and programming interfaces of smart cities.

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