Alignment of Job and Resume Vector Representations with LLM

Lyubov Komarova, Alexey Kolosov, Vladimir Soloviev


This study presents modern natural language processing (NLP) approaches for analyzing the alignment between job descriptions and resumes. The research focuses on using Large Language Models (LLMs) to create vector representations of job descriptions, resumes, and the skills extracted from them. It demonstrates that vector representations of job descriptions, resumes, and their extracted skills occupy distinct vector spaces, while standardized ESCO skills and words exist in a unified vector space. To test the hypotheses regarding the unity of vector spaces were utilized, statistical method - Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) and dimensionality reduction algorithms (t-SNE and Ivis), to visualize of vector distribution and analyze. The study also provides an in-depth analysis of experimental results, with special attention to the properties of ESCO skills, which form a cohesive vector space due to their standardization. The findings of this research can improve recruitment processes by offering innovative methods for matching candidate skills with employer requirements. Additionally, the study highlights the importance of data standardization in facilitating accurate interpretation and alignment.

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