A system for annotating biomedical images based on internet technology in oncohematology

V.V. Dmitrieva, Ya.A. Magmanova, V.I. Tsyplyak, E.V. Polyakov


The article is devoted to the development of analytical capabilities in hematology based on information technology for annotating biomedical images. The problem under consideration is the lack of solutions that allow expert doctors to automate the process of creating data sets in the field with subsequent processing by machine learning methods. A prototype of an online system for annotating biomedical images for expert evaluation is presented using the example of nucleated bone marrow cells. The annotation process includes: labeling, classification of objects and structures in a digital image. The system is implemented in PHP, using CSS, HTML, JavaScript and a MySQL database. Images obtained from blood and bone marrow preparations of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia were used as initial data. The system provides several roles for users: doctor, expert and administrator. The developed system allows for the analysis of biomedical images and indicates not only the type of marker, but also provides the opportunity to add a diagnosis, view patient data, and enter new data for the studied cells. The information system provides for uploading images, annotating images with providing the user with a decision, and evaluating the confidence of the type being viewed. The developed prototype can also be used for consultation by young specialists in the analysis of biomedical images.

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