Analysis of Comments on Social Networks and Messengers as a Method of Evaluating the Social Effectiveness of Digital Urban Services
The article discusses the possibilities of using the method of evaluating the social effectiveness of digital urban services based on the analysis of user comments using a monitoring system for social networks and the media. Automated domestic software was used to monitor social networks, which made it possible to effectively search for mentions of government services. The mini-application "I live here" was analyzed as a pilot study. Unlike previous approaches based on manual selection of communities for analysis, the software used allows you to analyze the extensive content of social networks, media and messengers through keyword search. The collected data was processed using thematic modeling using the latent Dirichlet placement (LDA) method to achieve a deep analysis of the structure of mentions. Based on the results obtained, a new method for assessing awareness of services based on user discussions is proposed, analyzing the discussions of users of the services under study. This methodology allows for a detailed assessment of the depth of penetration and identification of key aspects influencing the social performance of digital services.
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