Modeling of recoverable radio-electronic systems with redundancy

Tatyana Gelfman, Alexey Pirkhavka, Vladimir Skripachev, Mikhail Tsaplin


The paper presents an approach to modeling of recoverable radio-electronic systems (RES) with redundancy. One of the reliability criteria of RES is their recoverability. The influence of recoverability depends on the laws of distribution of failures and recoveries of RES elements. The peculiarities of application of the chord method in solving the problem of determining the RES recovery time, taking into account different redundancy scenarios, are considered. It is shown that the system recovery time after failures is a critical indicator in the field of reliability, since the system readiness to fulfill its functions in normal and critical situations depends on it. The calculation of the system availability factor is shown, which is equal to the product of availability factors of three sequentially connected sections that make up the RES model. To calculate the availability factor, software in JavaScript language is realized. The peculiarities of its operation are noted. As an example, the calculation of the dependence of the availability factor on the recovery time of a satellite earth station is given. The approach proposed in the article can be used to optimize the structure of RES, improve redundancy methods, as well as minimize the recovery time in critical failures.

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