Development of a web application for applying the analytic hierarchy process

Bogdan Arbuzov, Bair Tsengel, Elena Osipenko, Alexander Dyshkantyuk


The article is devoted to the software implementation of solving the choice problem using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method developed by T. Saaty, utilizing the React library. The formulation of the choice problem to determine the best alternative for a system is described, as well as the issues that arise in its solution, and the software implementation of the AHP method, based on a developed web application, is presented. The process of program development is also described in detail, including the creation of an interface for evaluating criteria and alternatives. The advantages of using this method for calculating decision assessments and the JavaScript library React for developing the user interface that implements the AHP are discussed. Measures have been proposed to increase the accuracy of the results obtained using the AHP, and to improve the performance of the web application developed based on the React library.

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Abava  Кибербезопасность IT Congress 2024

ISSN: 2307-8162