On Adversarial Attacks for Autonomous Vehicles

Dmitry Namiot, Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Alexey Pichugov


This article examines adversarial attacks against machine (deep) learning models used in autonomous vehicles. Artificial intelligence (machine learning) systems play a decisive role in the functioning of unmanned vehicles. At the same time, all machine learning systems are susceptible to so-called adversarial attacks, when an attacker deliberately modifies data in such a way as to deceive the algorithms of such systems, complicate their work (reduce the quality of work), or achieve the behavior desired by the attacker. Adversarial attacks are a big problem for machine learning systems, especially when used in critical areas such as automated driving. Adversarial attacks pose a problem for functional testing - there is data on which the system does not work correctly (does not work at all, works with low quality). For autonomous vehicle systems, such attacks can be carried out in the physical form, when real objects captured by the vehicle’s sensors are modified, dummy objects are created, etc. This article provides an overview of adversarial attacks on autonomous vehicles, focusing specifically on physical attacks.

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