Comparative analysis of the accuracy of an automated machine learning model for detecting cardiovascular diseases

T.V. Afanasieva, A.P. Kuzlyakin, A.V. Komolov


cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are widespread among patients with chronic non-communicable diseases and are one of the leading causes of mortality in the population, including those of working age. The development of patient-oriented systems for early detection of cardiovascular diseases using machine learning models is a promising direction that integrates medical knowledge and information intelligent technologies for medical decision support systems. To simplify and speed up the process of developing a specific solution based on a wide variety of machine learning models, the field of automatic machine learning (AutoML) is actively developing. The article provides a comparative analysis of the accuracy of an AutoML model created using the AutoGluon-Tabular library. The accuracy comparison was carried out in two directions: in relation to three scenarios for preprocessing data from patients with CVD and in relation to the basic machine learning models contained in the AutoGluon-Tabular library. A comparative analysis on the open UCI database showed that the accuracy of the AutoML model in identifying cardiovascular diseases varies from 87.41% to 95.65%, with the maximum accuracy obtained in the scenario with Z-normalization of the original data, and the minimum accuracy - when using data preprocessing algorithm built into AutoML.

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