Approaches to creating a proprietary data representation format
While developing software, the question inevitably arises about choosing a data presentation format, that determines how information will be organized for efficient data storage, transmission and processing. However, well-known universal formats are not always suitable for specific requirements and criteria, so there is a need to develop your own. This article discusses the issues of creating a data representation scheme for the development of proprietary data representation formats. The paper analyzes the main metrics of data storage formats, as a result of which criteria for the data schema are proposed. The main advantages of data storage formats are highlighted during a brief overview of existing formats. Based on the information received, a data schema has been developed for a proprietary data representation format, that implements a hierarchical structure with the proposed classes. Their structure, the general file recording format, recording types and encoding are defined. In addition, the data schema provides information integrity control by adding a CRC checksum to the end of the file. As an example of the application of the developed data schema, the paper presents the creation of a closed proprietary LSGS (Library of symbolic graphic symbols) format designed to store data from a library of conditional graphical designations of functional blocks. The result of serialization and deserialization of objects in a high-level programming language is presented.
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Abava Кибербезопасность ИБП для ЦОД
ISSN: 2307-8162