On the application a number of predictors in the branch and bound method (on the example of the random variant of the traveling salesman problem)
For the so-called random variant of the traveling salesman problem, there are currently no fast algorithms, including heuristic ones, that give the optimal solution (or close to it); at least for the dimension of the problem exceeding 300. This fundamentally distinguishes the random variant from the so-called geometric variant of the same problem, for which the so-called onion husk algorithms have been known for at least 25 years, giving a close to optimal solution for any dimension. At the same time, the random variant of the traveling salesman problem, as well as the more general pseudo-geometric variant, often represents an acceptable model for applied problems of different classes; this statement can hardly be attributed to the geometric variant, therefore the algorithms for solving the random variant are still important. Also, the relevance of the problem variant considered in the paper follows from its possible applicability in the formulation of options for calculating the so-called viability of the communication network, an integral indicator that is an average indicator of the viability estimates of all possible communication directions determined by a pair of vertices of the communication network graph. Usually, communication network developers strive to ensure that all directions have a backup route; it is assumed that we should check this, and such a check can be made using the algorithm for finding the optimal Hamiltonian cycle. So, it is necessary to be able to solve a random variant of the traveling salesman problem, and, first of all, to describe the so-called anytime algorithms for its solution. For a random variant of the problem (and for both exact and anytime algorithms), the classical approach to its solution is relevant, associated with the use of the branch and bound method. We apply the usual description of this method, but with numerous changes and additions described in our previous publications, as well as in this paper. Apparently, to build successful specific variants of algorithms implementing this method, the most important is the auxiliary algorithm for selecting the separating element (and the last statement applies not only to the traveling salesman problem, but also to any problem solved using the branch and bound method). The auxiliary procedure for selecting a separating element is called a predictor. In this paper, the authors propose a use case for selecting the separating element of an integral assessment using two simplest predictors; at the same time, such an option is easily generalized to the case of a larger number of predictors. The paper briefly describes the results obtained, confirming the improvement of the algorithm of the branch and bound method when using the two predictors under consideration.
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