A system for visual control of construction and installation works, which combine a spherical panorama, a 3D model and a construction schedule
During the construction of engineering facilities, it is necessary to constantly carry out visual control of construction and installation work on a regular basis. For the convenience of monitoring the performance of work on the site, various technical means can be used, for example, the use of 4D visualization of the construction process. 4D visualization is used to optimize the process of construction and installation work. The peculiarity of its technical implementation is that it combines a 3D model of a construction object with a calendar and network schedule. Combining a three-dimensional model with calendar and network planning systems allows monitoring compliance with the construction schedule with a visual component, planning the delivery time of equipment and building materials to the construction site. When working with geographically distributed objects, visual control can significantly increase the costs of business trips and employee movement between construction sites. In this paper, it is proposed to consider the concept of software for visual control of construction, installation and finishing works, which combines such raw data as a 3D model of a construction object, a calendar and network schedule of work and a spherical panoramic photograph. The software allows you to synchronize spherical panoramic photography and a 3D model for visual control, and the elements of the 3D model, in turn, are associated with the work of the calendar and network schedule to control the timing and accounting for the volume of work performed.
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