Development of interactive VR simulators based on VR Concept software and Ionium Collider framework

V.M. Mamedov


The article discusses the features of introducing VR technology into the educational process of higher educational institutions, taking into account the existing features, advantages and disadvantages in the format of interactive simulators based on the domestic VR Concept software. The formulated methodological features and stages of development of VR simulators make it possible to determine the requirements for the elements of virtual space interactivity correctly. A method is proposed to achieve a dynamic change in the scene, which eliminates the need to develop algorithms for transmitting data via the UDP protocol to VR Concept, while the functional part of the simulator can be developed in the advanced JavaScript programming language using the Ionium Collider framework. It has been established that the data transfer rate, which is proportional to the frame rate of the change in the virtual space, has a significant impact on the feelings of students and, under certain conditions, can cause the effect of motion sickness. For more flexible control over data transfer to the simulator, it is advisable to implement WebSocket protocols, HTTP requests, etc. into the software instead of the currently used UDP protocol in VR Concept.

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