Testing Quality Web-Application E-commerce BookCorner Using ISO 9126

Kevin Christianto, Devi Yurisca Bernanda, Francka Sakti Lee, Johanes Fernandes Andry, Nadia Natalia Karepowan


Currently, e-commerce is one of the promising businesses that the public often engages    in. E-commerce is the activity of the process of buying and selling products electronically. In e-commerce, the entire trading process, starting from the process of ordering products, exchanging data, to transferring funds is done electronically. E-commerce is included in the part of e-business, where the scope of e-business is broader, not only for commerce, but also collaboration between business partners, job vacancies, customer service, and so on. E-commerce is also included in Web Based Applications (WBA). By using e-commerce, of course, transactions in e-commerce are not affected by time and place, and can be done at any time. Therefore, e-commerce must be checked in terms of quality first to become a reference in developing Web-Based Applications (WBA), and its quality is guaranteed. In this study, a quality test was conducted using the ISO 9126 model, because ISO 9126 is an international standard for evaluating software quality. In the ISO 9126 standard, there are 6 aspects of testing, namely function, usability, efficiency, maintenance, and portability. By using ISO 9126 we can measure the aspects of function, usability, efficiency, maintenance, and portability so as to ensure the quality of e-commerce runs well or not. In addition, this study uses black-box testing to test whether the application runs well or not.

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