On the connection of special binary relations with conditions of commuting languages. Part I. Divisors in the global supermonoid

Boris Melnikov


The paper discusses various statements describing the connection of special binary relations (exactly, the binary relations of coverage and equivalence in infinity studied in our previous works) with the conditions of commuting languages. Generalizing, we are considering simply formulated properties associated with the use of the product operation (concatenation) of formal languages, not necessarily (but usually) finite languages. Among these problems, is the study of the conditions of equality of degrees of two languages. It is proved, for example, that in the case of prefix languages, such equality is equivalent to the presence of a common root of the considered sets, defined for the concatenation operation in the usual way. At the beginning of the paper, some auxiliary statements are given; they are related to the possible choice of its left divisor for a given language. Further, the obtained results about the left divisor are considered in particular, which are successfully reformulated if the languages considered in the statements can be obtained as a result of the action of any morphisms. Next, we consider the conditions for the presence of a common root in the global supermonoid for some its two elements. After that, we consider various consequences of the condition of possible commutation of two languages: first in the general case, and then in the presence of the prefix condition of the given languages. At the end of the paper, some interesting examples are given, as well as the problems are formulated that have not yet been solved.

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