Methodology for obtaining time intervals of crew data entry tasks performance in modern avionic systems

O. N. Korsun, E.D. Glukhova, V. D. Lyakhov, N. V. Skryabikov


This article deals with the modelling of crew data input operations to perform functional tasks of an aircraft. Such models are needed to support the interface design process, as the number of crew operation scenarios is quite large and their reproduction on ground benches requires considerable efforts. A methodology is proposed for conducting an experiment in order to obtain initial data for modelling. It is based on the identification of elementary operations and typical functions and their implementation by several pilots within the framework of some typical scenario. The methodology involves finding statistical characteristics of typical functions over a limited amount of experimental data, which provides necessary data for simulation of a variety of arbitrary scenarios. This statistical simulation enables to find both mean and variance for scenarios performance time intervals. According to the results of the experiment, it was found that the durations of typical operations have normal or close to normal distributions. The exception is the data entry operation, which has an approximately lognormal distribution. The study also found that it is acceptable to replace the lognormal distribution with a normal distribution when modelling typical scenarios with durations of at least 90 to 120 operations. This simplifies the simulation process and produces small effect on the final result.

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