Environmental Monitoring Algorithms for Early Prediction of Fire-Hazardous Situations

O.V. Emelyanova, S. V. Efimov, O. B. Kochergin


There is a problem of promptly obtaining sufficient information about the chemical situation in the workplace and the territories adjacent to it, necessary and sufficient for taking appropriate measures. A possible solution to this problem, capable of implementing effective and continuous control over the concentration of harmful substances in the air over the entire territory of industrial facilities and adjacent territories, is the creation of a system for monitoring extreme situations using unmanned aerial vehicles. This solution involves the installation of a portable multi-channel gas analyzer on one or more autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that move in the monitoring zone, controlling the level of pollution at given points and transmitting information to the decision-making center. Purpose of the study: development of algorithms for searching for the source of atmospheric pollution by the concentration of toxic gas measured by an onboard gas analyzer installed on a mobile instrument platform. An algorithm has been developed to control the autonomous movement of a mobile instrument platform to a source of toxic gas, taking into account the change in concentration and the choice of the type of a given trajectory of movement, which makes it possible to track the change in the dynamics of the concentration of toxic gases in the vicinity of the object of observation.

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