Information systems of the device for active-passive mechanotherapy of the ankle joint

A.A. Knyazev, A.S. Yatsun, A.V. Fedorov


In this paper, the structure of software and hardware of the device was developed, a mathematical model of interaction between the foot and controlled platform in the sagittal plane was constructed, a reference model for correcting control stresses during device operation in view of resistance moment changes from the foot was developed, algorithms for forming control stresses for personalized adjustment and rehabilitation exercises were obtained and analyzed, the results of mathematical modeling were obtained. Mechanotherapy is used to reduce the rate of complications and increase the quality and speed of joint rehabilitation. Mechanotherapy involves the use of robotic devices that, in turn, use actuators to make the precise movements necessary to restore joint function.   The control of such devices is complicated by the fact that the physiological parameters of the foot may change indefinitely during the mechanotherapy procedure, thereby reducing positioning accuracy as well as negatively affecting the rehabilitation process. For this reason, a thorough study of the device's control system, control algorithms, and mathematical models is needed to ensure high accuracy and speed positioning of the actuators. It is also necessary to create a method of personalized adjustment of the device to ensure uniform foot contact with the platform for each patient, which should have a positive effect on the quality of rehabilitation procedures.

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