Intelligent Accounting of Educational Achievements in the "Digital Teaching Assistant" System

Artyom V. Gorchakov, Liliya A. Demidova, Peter N. Sovietov


The ongoing process of digitalization of the economy necessitates the mass training of software developers. With an increase in the number of students, the load on teachers of university programming courses is growing. Automation of programming courses makes it possible to relieve teachers from routine activities. This article discusses the Digital Teaching Assistant (DTA) system that automates the Python programming course at RTU MIREA. The article considers the architecture of the DTA system, the main features of which are the automatic generation of unique programming tasks of eleven different types, including the implementation of author's algorithms, integrated methods of data mining and machine learning to automate the identification of approaches to solving problems in texts of programs sent for verification. The DTA system consists of a core that generates and checks unique programming exercises, an intelligent module for educational achievements accounting designed to motivate students to solve problems using different high-level concepts and ideas, and a web application. Algorithms are presented that automate the determination of methods for solving unique programming exercises in order to identify and record achievements. The statistics collected during the operation of the DTA system are presented.

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