Digital Media in Modern Tajikistan: Socio-economic Analysis

Dilovar Salimov


The article examines the situation of online media as a new challenge to the ideology of the Tajik state. At the same time, the main emphasis is on the formation of a network society and its impact on the transformation of the political life of the country as a whole. The social and economic foundations of the strategy of control over online media are revealed. On this basis, the main trends in the development of online media and the media strategy formed in relation to them are determined, creating an appropriate communication space focused on preserving information security. The results and conclusions of the proposed study are based on original sources, empirical data and comparative studies of Tajikistan in the context of the countries of the Central Asian region. This aspect also includes the study of sociological and journalistic investigations, both regional and international organizations. The empirical basis of the study is also the materials of online media and the content of laws that define Internet content in the country. The conceptual basis of the study is that the emergence of online media in modern Tajikistan has contributed to the establishment of a less regulated information network space in the country, but the political regime of censorship and control over the media seeks to make this system integrative and sends all opposition views to the periphery.

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DOI: 10.25559/INJOIT.2307-8162.10.202211.126-133

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