Visual analysis of passenger traffic data of the Moscow subway

Artem Makhankin, Dmitry Namiot


The purpose of this work is to create a clear visualization of passenger traffic for the Moscow metro system. The paper provides preliminary preparation of metadata from the entrance groups of turnstiles located at Moscow metro stations and visual analysis of passenger traffic is performed on their basis. The study was based on information for the first quarter of 2020. Visualization was created using various methods and software: Database Management System (DBMS) in which primary information for analysis is stored – PostgreSQL, visualization tool -, a framework for the Java programming language – Spring Framework, was used to create a flexible access to the DBMS and obtain results for In addition, a brief overview of the use of the selected visualization tool and its technical capabilities is considered. Based on the results of visual analysis, it was possible to determine the basic patterns of passenger movement. From a practical point of view, the results help to identify anomalies in movement at an early stage and act. Therefore, this approach is an important, if not critical, element of intelligent transport systems (ITS) and smart city systems. The results of the work done are of interest to specialists in the field of urban planning and urban studies.

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