The Use of Google Groups in a Collaborative Environment

Yousef Ibrahim Daradkeh, Steven Lopes Abrantes, Luis Borges Gouveia


The main aim of this study is to determine whether respondents are in the presence of the flow experience and evaluate the quality of the answers given by students who participated in a higher education collaborative environment considering also who have used desktops or laptops. For this study, data was collected through a survey and through Google Groups, applying the five dimensions of the flow state. After analyzing the data, we concluded that students experienced the flow, with the students who used the laptops having greater values for the flow experience that the ones who used desktops. Considering the quality of messages, the data were collected from Google Groups. Regarding the type of messages of respondents who used the laptop, we can conclude that they sent more messages classified as very good, good, positive, and it was also the case for messages classified as not significant, than the desktop users.

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