Enterprise Architecture Using TOGAF ADM (Case Study: PT Dirgamitra Pasific)

Delly Vera, Devi Yurisca Bernanda


PT Dirgamitra Pacific is a company engaged in the distributor of car spare parts, which in its operational activities relies on Microsoft Office software to help them. Business process activities that are still carried out manually make the company experience a slight delay when making a financial report and result in obstruction of the decision-making process. All of their important data has not been stored properly so it is prone to damage and loss and confidentiality is not maintained. From the TOGAF phase that has been carried out, the results of a proposed system are obtained in the form of the PT Dirgamitra Pacific website. The website, which consists of a marketing system, purchasing system, inventory system, financial system and staffing system, will later be able to connect with each other so that it can help each division in carrying out their operational activities to run better than before. The design of the enterprise architecture that produces a website is expected to accommodate all activities in each division to run better.

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