Towards a new construction of digital identity based on the e-portfolio approach
Before the development of the web, we talk about the portfolio; it was represented by a simple portfolio of student skills in paper form. This form of representation of skills and professional career has continued to develop over the years. After a succession of several stages in the concept of the portfolio, this simple paper form was transformed into a digital form called an e-portfolio [1, 5], which is centered on the personal and collective learning dynamics throughout the life of the student [10, 22]. In the digital age, the curriculum vitae (CV) is the first door to professional integration [7]. But the paper CV remains a document too linear and has not adapted to the complexity of current modes and channels of communication. The objective of our research work is the establishment of a digital environment based on the e-portfolio approach, allowing students to build and enhance academic and extra-academic achievements while being part of a lifelong learning approach, to develop their digital visibility by capitalizing on training achievements and skills obtained, and to present themselves digitally.
As per 27.11.2021 request by Abdelmalek Essaadi University - UAE
Retracted paper: Self-plagiarism and double-publishing
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