Mobile Application of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Systems using Near Field Communication (NFC) Technology

Dedy Prasetya Kristiadi, Muhaimin Hasanudin, Sutrisno Sutrisno


Medical records are preventive actions that are recorded into files stored by the health service providers. Medical records are needed by the doctor to find out the patient’s historical data so that they can be served further. A medical history reporting error can result in a patient’s medical care failure. To reduce administrative errors, loss of data, and the effectiveness of medical services requires tools that can provide solutions. Near Field Communication, called NFC, was the development of Bluetooth and RFID.  NFC allows cell phones to store necessary data safely and be sent to other phones equipped with NFC or read by an NFC reader. Also, this NFC allows cell phones to be developed of payment (e-money) or electronic medical record (EMR). On this study has developed an Electronic Medical Record system based on Near Field Communication and EMR with NFC is expected to the replaced conventional medical record. The advantage of NFC-based EMR is the need for a short time in use, not depending on Internet access and ease in the transmission of EMR to those in need. Patient data processing is faster, accurate, and integrated with cost management to medical services providers.

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