Scenarios Visual Programming Of The Intelligent Building Management System
For the most convenient and fast work with scenarios the user unfamiliar with the field of programming is offered the intelligent building management system and the client for it, which allows to create system scenarios by visual programming using a browser. The system is expected to possess the following criteria: easy scenarios setting up via interface, interface accessibility, interface information content and support for existing systems. The system and client architecture and client-server method of interaction between two applications are presented. The client communicates with the server using WebSocket Protocol and sends data by HTTP Protocol, which transmits plan data for the system in the JSON format. The system is ready to work with central application updating on own servers, the application development without strict scheme of client application releases also becomes possible. Two types of script editors which are can be controlled by user using the browser with HTML, CSS and ECMAScript technologies are suggested. The simple editor version creates a simple plan with a single trigger. The complex version allows to create a more complex plan by its visualization in a tree form. The server saves data processing plans in the storage and creates triggers for incoming data. Triggers include condition of reacting to data changes and instruction for performing off-line work. The example of creation of the complex scenario for controlling room lighting by developed client is given.
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