Framework to sell item in online market plave in Indonesia
Online market place has expanded widely, such as Tokedia, Bukalapak, F Things, Shopee, and many others. The purpose of this paper is how to market goods that will be sold with or without costs to market them, through the online market place Tokopedia. Noteworthy is the technique of taking photos of goods to be sold, sentences that can attract customers, competitive prices, finding a trusted and inexpensive wholesale or agent place, and finally using a digital marketing framework technique. Through digital marketing and edited photographs, the framework can be known buyer interest and can increase product sales by looking at the tendency of buyers to buy the desired item. Market place applications can provide a place to sell products without making it difficult for sellers and buyers to use them. Market place can increase income for the seller without having to create an e-commerce application and without having to think about the payment method in the market place application. This is what makes it easier for sellers to use the market place application.
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