Logical cryptanalysis as part of strength research into particular codebased signature scheme

Ivan Chizhov, Nataliia Tashevtseva


The authors propose an algorithm, which converts input for the cryptoanalyst problem of revealing secret keys of CodeBased Signature Scheme pqsigRM to an equal input for the SATISFIABILITY problem. It is proved in the paper, that the proposed attack is polynomial. The set of parameters of resulting CNF – length and the number of used variables, are theoretically assessed. The practical implementation of the proposed algorithm on Python is developed, which effectively creates the desired CNF in DIMACS format based on arbitrary pgsigRM scheme parameters r,m. Furthermore, the article contains experiment results, including execution results of the designed program for some values of r and m and performance of several opensource SATsolvers, winners of SAT Competition 2018 and SAT Race 2019 combined with other solvers used earlier for McEliece cryptosystem analysis, on solving the satisfiability problem for the resulting CNF for some values of r,m parameters of original cryptoanalyst problem. A set of parameters for which attack can be

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