Software routing protocol development for improving ad hoc network energy efficiency in emergency localization mode
Modern smartphones have a great potential for monitoring and managing emergencies: they are widely distributed, they can establish peer-to-peer wireless communications using short-distance communication technologies, thus ensuring coverage even when stationary infrastructures are unavailable, they can accurately determine their location using several built-in sensors, and send messages even in the absence of global communication.
The authors developed a program for building a connected mobile ad hoc network based on smartphones running the iOS 10 operating system and higher in emergencies, each smartphone participating in the network is equipped with transmitters to work with Wi-Fi and / or Bluetooth interfaces. It is assumed, that neighboring nodes (at least one of them) have access to the global network and can report the available information to the appropriate special (rescue) services.
The application allows you to deploy an ad hoc network without directly accessing the global network of each of its participants, localize the emergency zone, and send an SOS message to all connected nodes. If there were no reachable nodes in the current session, the broadcast is pushed back in time until any node is connected to this session.
This article covers the development and testing of options for energy-saving routing protocols for the described iOS application. Through software modeling have been investigated: how the type of protocol (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth) and software routing schemes affect the energy efficiency and survivability of the system. As well as the influence of the number of nodes on the survivability of the network with different types of sensors.Full Text:
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